Initial Exchange Offering (IEO)

An initial exchange offering (IEO) is a fundraising method where a cryptocurrency exchange acts as a middleman between the project team and investors. Unlike an initial coin offering (ICO), an IEO is hosted on a cryptocurrency exchange, which provides a platform for the project team to raise funds by selling their tokens to investors.

Some of the drawbacks of IEOs include the risk of scams and fraudulent projects, limited accessibility for certain investors, and a lack of transparency in the selection process of projects by the exchange.

Examples of famous IEOs include BitTorrent on Binance Launchpad, VeriBlock on Bittrex International, and MultiVAC on KuCoin Spotlight. Trading bots can potentially take advantage of IEOs by monitoring upcoming projects, analyzing their potential, and executing trades accordingly. However, it is important to do thorough research and exercise caution when participating in IEOs.

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