
The most widely known and used ERC token standards are ERC-20 and ERC-271. ERC-20 is used for fungible tokens while ERC-271 is used for non-fungible tokens, such as digital collectibles or gaming items.

For example, CryptoKitties is a popular game that uses ERC-271 tokens to represent unique digital cats that can be collected, bred, and traded on the Ethereum blockchain. Each CryptoKitty is represented by a unique ERC-271 token, which contains specific attributes and characteristics that make them distinct from other CryptoKitties.

Here is a simple code example for creating an ERC-271 token contract using the Solidity programming language:

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC271/ERC271.sol";

contract MyToken is ERC271 {
    constructor() ERC271("MyToken", "MTK") {

    function mint(address to, uint256 tokenId) public {
        _safeMint(to, tokenId);

This contract inherits from the ERC271 token standard provided by the OpenZeppelin library and creates a new token called “MyToken” with the symbol “MTK”. The mint function can be called to mint a new token with a specific ID and assign it to a given address.

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